A complete, printable list of my publications is included in my CV (last updated April 2024).
Current h-index (measure of research productivity and impact, computed via Google Scholar): 26
Display publication list: by type | by year
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
- Xu, T., Yu, J., Doyle, D.T., & Voida, S. (2023, October). Technology-mediated strategies for coping with mental health challenges: Insights from people with bipolar disorder. Journal of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7(CSCW2).
- Yamamoto, F.R., Cho, J., Voida, A., & Voida, S. (2023, October). “We are researchers, but we are also humans”: Creating a design space for managing graduate student stress. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 30(5).
- Messer, L.H., Cook, P.F., Voida, S., Fiesler, C., Fivekiller, E., Agrawal, C., Xu, T., Forlenza, G.P., & Sankaranarayanan, S. (2023, May). Situational awareness and proactive engagement predict higher time in range in adolescents and young adults using hybrid closed-loop. Pediatric Diabetes 2023.
- Norris, W., Voida, A., & Voida, S. (2022, April). People talk in stories. Responders talk in data: A framework for temporal sensemaking in time- and safety-critical work. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6(CSCW1).
- Ozkaynak, M., Voida, S., & Dunn, E. (2022, February). Opportunities and challenges of integrating food practice into clinical decision making. Applied Clinical Informatics 13(1), 252–262.
- Cho, J., Beck, S., & Voida, S. (2022, January). Topophilia, placemaking, and boundary work: Exploring the psycho-social impact of the COVID-19 work-from-home experience. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6(GROUP). GROUP 2022/2023 Best Paper Award (among the top 1% of all submissions).
- Robledo Yamamoto, F., Voida, A., & Voida, S. (2021, October). From therapy to teletherapy: Relocating mental health services online. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5(CSCW2).
- Van Kleunen, L., Muller, B., & Voida, S. (2021, April). ”Wiring a city”: A sociotechnical perspective on deploying urban sensor networks. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5(CSCW1).
- Norris, W., Voida, A., Palen, L., & Voida, S. (2019, November). ‘Is the time right now?’: Reconciling sociotemporal disorder in distributed team work. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction—CSCW 3(CSCW), Article 98.
- Bardram, J.E., Jeuris, S., Tell, P., Houben, S., & Voida, S. (2019, August). Activity-centric computing systems. Communications of the ACM 62(8), 72–81.
- Murnane, E.L., Walker, T.G., Tench, B., Voida, S., & Snyder, J. (2018, November). Personal informatics in interpersonal contexts: Towards the design of technology that supports the social ecologies of long-term mental health management. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction—CSCW 2(CSCW), 127:1–127:27. CSCW 2018 Best Paper Honorable Mention (among the top 5% of all submissions).
- Cornet, V., Voida, S., & Holden, R.J. (2017). Activity Theory analysis of heart failure self-care. Mind, Culture, and Activity 25(1), 22–39.
- Matthews, M., Abdullah, S., Murnane, E., Voida, S., Choudhury, T., Gay, G., & Frank, E. (2016, August). Development and evaluation of a smartphone-based measure of social rhythms for bipolar disorder. Assessment 23(4), 472–483.
- Snyder, J., Baumer, E.P.S., Voida, S., Adams, P., Halpern, M., Choudhury, T., & Gay, G. (2014). Making things visible: Opportunities and tensions in visual approaches for design research and practice. Human–Computer Interaction 29(5–6), 451–486.
- Baumer, E.P.S., Khovanskaya, V., Adams, P., Pollak, J.P., Voida, S., & Gay, G. (2013, July–September). Designing for engaging experiences in mobile social health support systems. IEEE Pervasive Computing 12(3), 32–39.
- Reilly, D.F., Voida, S., McKeon, M., LeDantec, C., Bunde-Pedersen, J., Edwards, W.K., Mynatt, E.D., & Mazalek, A. (2010, July–September). Space matters: Physical–digital and physical–virtual co-design in inSpace. IEEE Pervasive Computing 9(3), 54–63.
- Liogkas, N., MacIntyre, B., Mynatt, E.D., Smaragdakis, Y., Tilevich, E., & Voida, S. (2004, July–September). Automatic partitioning for prototyping ubiquitous computing applications. IEEE Pervasive Computing 3(3), 40–47.
- Voida, S., Mynatt, E.D., MacIntyre, B., & Corso, G.M. (2002, July–September). Integrating physical and virtual context to support knowledge workers. IEEE Pervasive Computing 1(3), 73–79.
Conference Presentations with Proceedings (peer-reviewed)
- Cho, J., & Voida, S. (to appear). Toward more inclusive and accessible futures of remote work using a feminist eographical lens. To appear in Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work (CHIWORK ’24), Newcastle, UK, June 25–27. ACM Press.
- Doyle, D.T., Ghosh, J.K., Suhocki, R., Keegan, B.C., Voida, S., & Brubaker, J.R. (to appear). Stories that heal: Characterizing and supporting narrative for suicide bereavement. To appear in Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM ’24), Buffalo, NY. AAAI Press.
- Cho, J., Choi, D., Yu, J., & Voida, S. (2024). Reinforcing and reclaiming the home: Co-speculating future technologies to support remote and hybrid work. In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), Honolulu, HI, May 11–16. ACM Press. CHI 2024 Best Paper Honorable Mention (among the top 5% of all submissions).
- Xu, T., Jost, E., Messer, L.H., Cook, P.F., Forlenza, G.P., Sankaranarayanan, S., Fiesler, C., & Voida, S. (2024). “Obviously, nothing’s gonna happen in five minutes”: Infrastructuring type 1 diabetes management in adolescents and young adults. In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), Honolulu, HI, May 11–16. ACM Press.
- Hoefer, M.J.D., & Voida, S. (2023). Being, having, doing, and interacting: A personal informatics approach to understanding human need satisfaction in everyday life. In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’23, pp. 2593–2610), Pittsburgh, PA. ACM Press.
- Hoefer, M.J.D., Schumacher, B.E., Szafir, D.A., & Voida, S. (2022). Visualizing uncertainty in multi-source mental health data. In Extended Abstracts of the 2022 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’22), New Orleans, LA. ACM Press.
- Cho, J., Xu, T., Zimmermann-Niefield, A., & Voida, S. (2022). Reflection in theory and reflection in practice: An exploration of the gaps in reflection support among personal informatics apps. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22), New Orleans, LA. ACM Press. CHI 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention (among the top 5% of all submissions).
- Hoefer, M.J.D., Schumacher, B.E., & Voida, S. (2022). Personal dream informatics: A self-information systems model of dream engagement. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22), New Orleans, LA. ACM Press.
- Hoefer, M.J.D., Van Kleunen, L., Goodby, C., Blackburn, L.B., Panati, P., & Voida, S. (2021). The multiplicative patient and the clinical workflow: Clinician perspectives on social interfaces for self-tracking and managing bipolar disorder. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ‘21, pp. 907–925), Virtual Event. ACM Press.
- Mirza, R., Anderson, K.M., & Voida, S. (2021, April). EPIC Collab: Supporting asynchronous collaboration in big data analysis systems. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA ‘21), Chengdu, China. IEEE.
- Petelka, J., Kleunen, L.V., Murnane, E., Albright, L., Voida, S., & Snyder, J. (2020). Becoming (in)visible: Privacy, transparency, and disclosure in the self-management of bipolar disorder. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, Hawai’i. ACM.
- Snyder, J., Murnane, E., Lustig, C., & Voida, S. (2019, May). Visually encoding the lived experience of bipolar disorder. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 133:1–133:14), Glasgow, Scotland, UK. ACM.
- Jia, Y., Liu, L., Yu, X., & Voida, S. (2017). Designing leaderboards for gamification: Considering perceived differences based on user ranking, application domain, and personality traits. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017, pp. 1949–1960), Denver, Colorado, May 6–11. ACM Press.
- Jia, Y., Xu, B., Karanam, Y., & Voida, S. (2016). Personality targeted gamification: A survey study on personality traits and motivational affordances. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016, pp. 2001–2013), San Jose, California, May 7–12. ACM Press.
- Matthews, M., Voida, S., Abdullah, S., Doherty, G., Choudhury, T., Im, S., & Gay, G. (2015). In situ design for mental illness: Considering the pathology of bipolar disorder in mHealth design. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2015, pp. 86–97), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 24–7. ACM Press.
- Adams, P., Rabbi, M., Rahman, T., Matthews, M., Voida, A., Gay, G., Choudhury, T., & Voida, S. (2014). Towards personal stress informatics: Comparing minimally invasive techniques for measuring daily stress in the wild. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2014, pp. 72–79), Oldenburg, Germany, May 20–23. ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering).
- Rahman, T., Zhang, M., Voida, S., & Choudhury, T. (2014). Towards accurate non-intrusive recollection of stress levels using mobile sensing and contextual recall. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2014, pp. 166–169), Oldenburg, Germany, May 20–23. ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering).
- Zhao, X., Salehi, N., Naranjit, S., Alwaalan, S., Voida, S., & Cosley, D. (2013). The Many Faces of Facebook: Experiencing Social Media as Performance, Exhibition, and Personal Archive. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013, pp. 1–10), Paris, France, April 27–May 2. ACM Press. CHI 2013 Best Paper (among the top 1% of all submissions).
- Khovanskaya, V., Baumer, E.P.S., Cosley, D., Voida, S., & Gay, G. (2013). “Everybody Knows What You’re Doing”: A Critical Design Approach to Personal Informatics. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013, pp. 3403–3412), Paris, France, April 27–May 2. ACM Press.
- Mark, G.J., Voida, S., & Cardello, A.V. (2012). “A Pace Not Dictated by Electrons”: An Empirical Study of Work Without Email. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012, 555-564), Austin, Texas, May 5–10. ACM Press. CHI 2012 Best Paper Nominee (among the top 5% of all submissions).
- Hincapié-Ramos, J.D., Voida, S., & Mark, G. (2011). A Design Space Analysis of Availability-Sharing Systems. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2011, pp. 85–96), Santa Barbara, California, October 16–19. ACM Press.
- Greenberg, S., Voida, S., Stehr, N., & Tee, K. (2010). Artifacts as Instant Messaging Buddies. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-43, Persistent Conversation minitrack, pp. 1–10), Koloa, Hawaii, January 5–8. IEEE Computer Society.
- Voida, S., Tobiasz, M., Stromer, J., Isenberg, P., & Carpendale, S. (2009). Getting practical with interactive tabletop displays: Designing for dense data, “fat fingers,” diverse interactions, and face-to-face collaboration. In Proceedings of the 2009 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS 2009, pp. 119–126), Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 23–25. ACM Press.
- Voida, S., & Greenberg, S. (2009). WikiFolders: Augmenting the display of folders to better convey the meaning of files. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009, pp. 1679–1682), Boston, Massachusetts, April 4–9. ACM Press.
- Voida, S., & Mynatt, E.D. (2009). “It feels better than filing”: Everyday work experiences in an activity-based computing system. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009, pp. 259–268), Boston, Massachusetts, April 4–9. ACM Press.
- Goecks, J., Voida, A., & Voida, S. (2008). Charitable technologies: Opportunities for collaborative computing in nonprofit fundraising. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2008, pp. 689–698), San Diego, California, November 8–12. ACM Press.
- Voida, A., Voida, S., Greenberg, S., & He, H.A. (2008). Asymmetry in media spaces. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2008, pp. 313–322), San Diego, California, November 8–12. ACM Press. CSCW 2008 Best Paper Nominee (among the top 5% of all submissions).
- Voida, S., Mynatt, E.D., & Edwards, W.K. (2008). Re-framing the desktop interface to support activity-based knowledge work. In Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2008, pp. 211–220), Monterey, California, October 19–22. ACM Press.
- Voida, S., Edwards, W.K., Grinter, R.E., & Ducheneaut, N. (2006). Share and share alike: Exploring the user interface affordances of file sharing. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2006, pp. 221–230), Montréal, Québec, April 22–27. ACM Press.
- Nair, R., Voida, S., & Mynatt, E.D. (2005). Frequency-based detection of task switches. In Proceedings of the 19th British HCI Group Annual Conference, Vol. 2 (HCI 2005, pp. 94–99), Edinburgh, Scotland, September 5–9. British Computer Society.
- Voida, S., Podlaseck, M., Kjeldsen, R., & Pinhanez, C. (2005). A study on the manipulation of 2D objects in a projector/camera-based augmented reality environment. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005, pp. 611–620), Portland, Oregon, April 2–7. ACM Press.
- MacIntyre, B., Bolter, J.D., Vaughn, J., Hannigan, B., Gandy, M., Moreno, E., Haas, M., Kang, S., Krum, D., & Voida, S. (2003). Three Angry Men: An augmented-reality experiment in point-of-view drama. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment (TIDSE 2003, pp. 337–345), Darmstadt, Germany, March 24–26. Fraunhofer IRB.
- MacIntyre, B., Mynatt, E.D., Voida, S., Hansen, K.M., Tullio, J., & Corso, G.M. (2001). Support for multitasking and background awareness using interactive peripheral displays. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2001, pp. 41–50), Orlando, Florida, November 11–14. ACM Press.
Conference and Workshop Presentations without Proceedings (lightly peer-reviewed)
- Burns, Q., & Voida, S. (2023). Investigating mobile mental health app designs to foster engagement among adolescents. Interactive poster presented at the 2023 ACM Joint International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp ’23), Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
- Hoefer, M., Voida, S., & Mitchell, R.D. (2022, July). Faith informatics: Supporting development of systems of meaning-making with technology. ACM interactions research blog post.
- Hoefer, M., & Voida, S. (2021). A network visualization of sustainable consumption corridors. Non-archival poster presented at IEEE VIS: Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS ’21), Virtual Event, October 24–29.
- Cho, J., Devendorf, L., & Voida, S. (2021). From the art of reflection to the art of noticing: A shifting view of self-tracking technologies’ role in supporting sustainable food practices. Late-breaking work (poster) presented at the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘21), Yokohama, Japan, May 8–13.
- Lim, H., Huang, X., Miller, S., Edelmann, J., Euken, T., & Voida, S. (2019). Smart Cook: Making cooking easier with multimodal learning. Poster presented at the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2019), London, UK, September 11–13.
- Kleunen, L.V., Holton, J., Strawn, D., & Voida, S. (2019). Designing navigation aides for wildland firefighters. Poster presented at the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2019), London, UK, September 11–13.
- Kleunen, L.V., & Voida, S. (2019). Challenges in supporting social practices around personal data for long-term mental health management. Position paper for the Fourth International Workshop on Mental Health and Well-being: Sensing and Intervention, held in conjunction with the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2019), London, UK, September 10.
- Cho, J., & Voida, S. (2019). Toward critical reflection: Observing practices of noticing to develop interventions in personal informatics. Position paper for the DIS 2019 workshop on Exploring Noticing as Method in Design Research, held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2019), San Diego, California, June 24.
- Norris, W., & Voida, S. (2019). Unwinding pluritemporal time in digital humanitarian crowdwork. Position paper for the CHI 2019 workshop on The Future of Work, held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Glasgow, Scotland, May 5.
- Kleunen, L.V., & Voida, S. (2018). From personal to collective informatics. Position paper for the CSCW 2018 workshop on Social Issues in Personal Informatics, held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2018), Jersey City, New Jersey, November 4.
- Kelly, A., Whitlock, M., Nickoloff, B., Lam, A., Szafir, D.A., & Voida, S. (2017). Becoming butterflies: Interactive embodiment of the butterfly lifecycle. Poster presented at the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2017), Maui, Hawaii, September 11–15.
- Koushik, V., Gendreau, A., Ho, E., Wilson, S., & Voida, S. (2017). Snappable sensors: Empowering future scientists. Poster presented at the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2017), Maui, Hawaii, September 11–15.
- Norris, W., & Voida, S. (2017). Models and metaphors of temporality: Supporting individual- and group-based time-management and coordination work. Position paper for the symposium on HCI Across Borders, held in conjunction with the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017), Denver, Colorado, May 6–7.
- Norris, W., & Voida, S. (2017). Temporality in Crisis Informatics: Representations of time in digital humanitarian systems. Position paper for the Theory Transfers? Social Theory and CSCW Research workshop, held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2017), Portland, Oregon, February 25–March 1.
- Norris, W., & Voida, S. (2017). Temporality in Crisis Informatics: Representations and integrations of time in humanitarian crowd work. Position paper for the graduate student workshop on Grand Challenges for Crisis Informatics researchers, Boulder, Colorado, May 6.
- Voida, S., Jia, Y., Karanam, Y., Chambers, A., Dara, J., Alderhami, A., Bodke, K., Shrikhande, D., & Despard, J. (2015). Challenges, feedback & notifications: Empirical explorations to inform the design of interfaces to motivate and encourage long-term personal informatics use. Position paper for the UbiComp 2015 workshop on New Frontiers of Quantified Self: Finding New Ways for Engaging Users in Collecting and Using Personal Data, Osaka, Japan, September 7.
- Ahmed, R., Chambers, A., Frontz, M., & Voida, S. (2014). A tangible approach to time management. Interactive demonstration presented at the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2014), Seattle, Washington, September 13–17.
- Chattopadhyay, D., Achmiz, S., Saxena, S., Bansal, M., Bolchini, D., & Voida, S. (2014). Holes, pits, and valleys: Guiding large-display touchless interactions with data-morphed topologies. Poster presented at the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2014), Seattle, Washington, September 13–17.
- Karanam, Y., Filko, L., Kaser, L., Alotaibi, H., Makhsoom, E., & Voida, S. (2014). Motivational affordances and personality types in personal informatics. Poster presented at the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2014), Seattle, Washington, September 13–17.
- Sukale, R., Koval, O., & Voida, S. (2014). The Proxemic Web: Designing for proxemics interactions with responsive web design. Poster presented at the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2014), Seattle, Washington, September 13–17.
- Khovanskaya, V., Adams, P., Baumer, E.P.S., Voida, S., & Gay, G. (2013). The value of a critical approach to personal health informatics. Position paper for the CHI 2013 workshop on Personal Informatics in the Wild: Hacking Habits for Health & Happiness, Paris, France, April 27–28.
- Voida, S., Choudhury, T., Gay, G., Matthews, M., Adams, P., Rabbi, M., Pollak, J.P., Chi, M., Green, M., Lu, H., Lane, N.D., Lin, M., & Campbell, A.T. (2013). Personal informatics can be stressful: Collecting, reflecting, and embedding stress data in personal informatics. Position paper for the CHI 2013 workshop on Personal Informatics in the Wild: Hacking Habits for Health & Happiness, Paris, France, April 27–28.
- Voida, S., MacIntyre, B., & Mynatt, E.D. (2002). Supporting collaboration in a context-aware office computing environment. Position paper for the CSCW 2002 workshop on Public, Community, and Situated Displays: Design Use, and Interaction Around Shared Information Displays, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 16–20.
- Voida, S., Mynatt, E.D., & MacIntyre, B. (2002). Supporting collaboration in a context-aware office computing environment. Position paper for the UbiComp 2002 workshop on Collaboration with Interactive Walls and Tables, Göteborg, Sweden, September 29–October 1.
- Hansen, K.M., MacIntyre, B., Mynatt, E.D., Tullio, J., & Voida, S. (2001). Hypermedia in the Kimura system: Using spatial, temporal, & navigational relationships to support multitasking and background awareness. Student poster presented at the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext 2001), Århus, Denmark, August 14–18.
Book Chapters (lightly peer-reviewed)
- Holden, R.J., Voida, S., Savoy, A., Jones, J.F., & Kulanthaivel, A. (2016). Human factors engineering and human–computer interaction: Supporting user performance and experience. In Fennell, J.T., & Dixon, B.E. (Eds.), Clinical Informatics Study Guide: Text and Review (pp. 287–307). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International.
- Voida, S., Patterson, D.J., & Patel, S.N. (2014). Sensor Data Streams. In Kellogg, W.A., & Olson, J.S. (Eds.), Ways of Knowing in HCI (pp. 291–322). New York: Springer.
- Voida, S., Mynatt, E.D., & MacIntyre, B. (2007). Supporting activity in desktop and ubiquitous computing. In Kaptelinin, V., & Czerwinski, M. (Eds.), Beyond the Desktop Metaphor: Designing Integrated Digital Work Environments (pp. 195–222). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Mynatt, E.D., Huang, E.M., Voida, S., & MacIntyre, B. (2003). Large displays for knowledge work. In O’Hara, K., Perry, M., Churchill, E., & Russell, D. (Eds.), Public and situated displays: Social and interactional aspects of shared display technologies (pp. 80–102). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.