Three Angry Men

As part of my Master's coursework, I took a project-based class in Media Design for Augmented Reality. My design team developed the idea of a "seated drama" augmented experience, which allows a user to take in a dramatic performance from the point of view of each of the characters involved. We adapted a scene from the Reginald Rose play "12 Angry Men" to create a condensed, proof-of-concept version of the seated drama experience, entitled "Three Angry Men." Our version allows a user, wearing a see-through head-mounted display, to share a seat with any of three members of a deliberating jury and see the unfolding action through the eyes of (and with the biases held by) each juror. Our initial concept has been re-filmed and re-written recently to incorporate a fourth juror and has become one of the long-term demonstration pieces maintained by the Augmented Environments Lab. The project also served to motivate the development of an AR content-management and prototyping platform known as DART.
Media Gallery
- MacIntyre, B., Bolter, J.D., Vaughn, J., Hannigan, B., Gandy, M., Moreno, E., Haas, M., Kang, S., Krum, D., & Voida, S. (2003). Three Angry Men: An augmented-reality experiment in point-of-view drama. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment (TIDSE 2003, pp. 337–345), Darmstadt, Germany, March 24–26. Fraunhofer IRB.